
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Family Weekend

Hari tuh kami semua menghabiskan masa bersama-sama lagi.
shopping sedikit baju Amani, sebb banyak dah ketat tang peyut. :)
suka lah beli baju baru kan.

aku sempat lah rembat perfume. Masa Xmas aku rasa perfume mmg murah giler!!!
kalau tak harga 1sebotal jer dah 2..3ratus..nih set baru rm320..
ehh berbaaalooii..
siang malam mak nak wangi tau..
Terasa sangat cik kak nih dah besar.

Terawal belanja en suami pulak..
di Kenny Rogers.

kALI nih bawa amani mmg best lah!. asik dgr suara dia jer berleter. semua org nak tegur.
mcm kak nam lah.
apa pun kami bahagia sangat tgk anak kecil nih gembira.

Wordless Wednesday : Happy Birthday Sayang!

28.12.2011 Ulang Tahun Kelahiran Suami aku yang ker 27!.
Malam td pukul 12am aku cuma bagi card birthday jer.

pn. isteri :" yang maaf lah sy terlupa birthday awk, tuh saya sempat beli kad jer"
en. suami : " x per lah...awak pun lately bz..sian awak..yang penting kasih sayang awak"

hehhhe...rasa nak golak besar jer malam td.

tp pGI TD, sebelum aku pergi kerja dulu aku letakkan hadiah dimeja mkn. nanti diA nak breakfast tgk ada hadiah. :)

Sekali dgn Tapak Kaki Amani. 
(dekat kad pun 2012???....adeehhh maaf ler terawal sgt pulak)
nasib baik ada yang perasan.
tq Betty. :)
Malam nih special untuk suami pula. :)
nanti update.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tutti Frutti, Melaka

Kini Melaka dah ada Tutti Frutti yer.

aku sempat amik gamba jer, nak pergi tadi tak sempat sempat ada Taklimat SPBA.

Wordless Wednesday : Kecantikan itu bukan semata-mata luaran

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Nama anak jin : Pendapat Ustaz Zaharuddin

Tadi aku ada baca n3 sis Kemn Azmaili berkenaan nama-nama yang dikatakan anak JIN. Rentetan Program Tanyalah Ustaz bersama Al-Fadhil Ustaz Sharhan Shafiee.
Diantara nama-nama tersenarai adalah :
  1. Balqis,
  2. Qistina,
  3. Batrisyia,
  4. Erisya (Alisya)
  5. Dzakwan,
  6. Najwa
sumber dari anamarzablog : Menurut Ustaz Sharhan dengan meletakkan nama-nama ini anak-anak mungkin mudah mendapat penyakit pelik-pelik. Sekiranya sudah terberi, contohnya Nur Qistina, boleh dipanggil 'Nur' bukan Qistina, sekiranya Muhamad Dzakwan, boleh dipanggil 'Muhamad', (Terutama bagi anak-anak kecil yg sering menangis cuba panggil dengan panggilan lain)

Wallahu a’lam bish-shawab.

ada tak nama anak korang yg disenaraikan??....ok x per...korang jangan risau, pakar telah pun jawab isu tersebut.

Sumber : dnazzaeiza

Dalam sebuah hadis ada disebut;

“sesungguhnya pada hari kiamat, kamu akan dipanggil dengan namamu dan nama bapamu, maka pakailah olehmu nama-nama yang baik ”.
Rasullulah bersabda lagi,
“Di antara nama-nama kamu, Allah paling menyukai nama Abdullah dan Abdurrahman dan nama anak hendaklah diberi nama para nabi”.

Nur Liyana bukan Fatin Liyana

Suasana hujan..sejuk.. tetiba aku rindu dgn adik aku.
Kerja di JB jer pun...
tapi kalau ada kat rumah asik nak bergaduh jer..huh! 
bila x der depan mata rindu pulakkan.
Nama Samaran : Gemuks! :)
Nanti aku cite sape adik aku nih sebenarnya...hahahaha..mcm pelik jer bunyi diakan.

nota buat adik tersayang :-
"eh muk..ko dah booking Mission Impossible belum?? " ;p

Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday Night

Salam semua kengkawan yg dikasihi semua..
maaf terlebih dahulu yer kepada follower yg terbaru ni..elin x sempat lagi nak ker page korang sebb masa memang terhad sgt.
nak kejarkan closing lagi.

bulan 12 nih memang bulan sangat sibuk ( balasan sebab sebelum nih terlalu bermewah2 dgn masa yang ada...pdn muke kan).

so mcm mana dgn cuti hujung minggu korang...? pasti lah seronokan..lebih seronok kalau dapat sambung cuti hari nihhhhhhhh....(pdn muke aku lagi sekali sebb cuti x approve!!)

aku mcm biasa sgt-sgt seronok cuti dgn Nur Sarah Amani nih. ada jer perangai baru nak tunjukan..rasa cepat masa berlalu.

tuh papa Sarah Amani belikan sebab dia x nak duduk dalam walker lagi. asik nak tolak kerusi jer. mekak-mekak bunyi kena seret.
Nak jadi mcm papa eh!...all the best anakku!..
Malam minggu mana lagi kalau x ke MD..;p aku ler asik nak makan beger jer...planing nak ke Jonker Walk tp hujan masa week ler nampaknya.
minggu lepas aku dah bawa amani ker pantai 1 Malaysia, Klebang. Seronok tgk 'Kites'.
Muka pun dah mcm 'bege dabel chez' kan..x lama lagi berkilo-kilo lah berat aku naikk..
sekarang nih pun dah rasa berat semacam jer..haadddoii..

ok lah, nak sambung kerja jap...ada masa aku singah mana yg sempat ya.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jom beli iPhone 4s!!

Secara rasminya Apple iPhone 4S sudah di lancar di Malaysia juga boleh didapati di Maxis dengan tawaran yang menarik, Senarai harga dan pakej menarik dari Maxis untuk anda.

Harga iPhone 4S serta pakej  bulanan dari Maxis

klik sini untuk datail .

Sekian Terima Kasih.

notakukukaki :rindu nak ke page korang...kerja masih belum selesai.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Husband Wife Love Quotes - Marriage Love quotes

  • even my child started to walk without any support, nut my wife still holds my hand while walking
  • A wife is the joy of a man's heart
  • Love is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love.
  • There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. - Martin Luther King
  • You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person who you cannot live without.
  • No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying
  • A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin
  • An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her.
  • To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all
  • Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.
  • The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself. ;)
  • A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night. - Chanakya
  • The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends. - B. R. Ambedkar
  • Whenever I fail as a father or husband... a toy and a diamond always works.- Shah Rukh Khan
  • When a husband brings his wife flowers for no reason, there’s a reason. - Molly McGee
  • A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. - Honore De Balzac
  • A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband, while a man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
  • After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can’t face each other, but still they stay together.
  • At first a woman doesn’t want anything but a husband, but just as soon as she gets one, she wants everything else in the world.- Elbert Hubbard
  • At first a woman doesn’t want anything but a husband, but just as soon as she gets one, she wants everything else in the world. - Elbert Hubbard
  • Sometimes I think [my husband] is so amazing that I don't know why he's with me. I don't know whether I'm good enough. But if I make him happy, then I'm everything I want to be. - Angelina Jolie
  • In a husband there is only a man; in a married woman there is a man, a father, and mother, and a woman. - Honore de Balzac
  • Husbands are like fires - they go out if unattended. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • A good wife makes a good husband
  • Of all the home remedies, a good wife is best.
  • When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.
  • My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way. - Henry Youngman
  • A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. - Lana Turner
  • No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed. - Harold Macmillan

Sup Ikan Merah untuk Amani

Sup Ikan Merah untuk Amani.
Paling simple lah masak untuk anak-anak nih kan.
aku mmg suke kalau bab2 masak untuk amani nih. tp kalau nak masak untuk suami ada pening sikit, bukan apa kang nak pk tentang  lauk apa, padas ke, tawar ke... :P

aku nih bukan lah handal memasak pun. korang lagi super duper hebatkan.
Bekal Amani untuk. nasi lembik + isi ikan merah + sayur yg di blend.
Bahan-bahan yang paling senang sekali.
Taraaaa~~ jadi dah lauk untuk anak dara tuh.

Isi ikan selalunya aku x kan blend..aku akan racik kecik2 agar mudah dia nyumm..nyumm..
sayur jer aku blend  supaya mudah untuk penghadaman dia.

no sugarno salt.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Rasulullah mengajak umatnya untuk bangun sebelum Subuh bagi melaksanakan solat sunat, solat fardu dan solat Subuh secara berjemaah.

Hal ini memberi hikmah yang mendalam antaranya mendapat limpahan pahala, kesegaran udara subuh yang baik terutama untuk merawat penyakit tibi serta memperkuatkan akal fikiran.


Rasulullah sentiasa bersih dan rapi. Setiap Khamis atau Jumaat, Baginda mencuci rambut halus di pipi, memotong kuku, bersikat serta memakai minyak wangi.

“Mandi pada hari Jumaat adalah sangat dituntut bagi setiap orang dewasa. Demikian pula menggosok gigi dan pemakai harum-haruman.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)


Sabda Rasulullah w yang bermaksud: “Kami adalah satu kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan apabila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak (tidak sampai kekenyangan).” (Muttafaq Alaih)

Dalam tubuh manusia ada tiga ruang untuk tiga benda: Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lainnya untuk makanan.

Bahkan ada satu pendidikan khusus bagi umat Islam iaitu dengan berpuasa pada Ramadan bagi menyeimbangkan kesihatan selain Nabi selalu berpuasa sunat.


Rasulullah berjalan kaki ke masjid, pasar, medan jihad dan mengunjungi rumah sahabat. Apabila berjalan kaki, peluh pasti mengalir, roma terbuka dan peredaran darah berjalan lancar.

Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung. Berbanding kita sekarang yang lebih selesa menaiki kenderaan. Kalau mahu meletakkan kenderaan, mesti letak betul-betul di hadapan tempat yang hendak kita pergi.


Nasihat Rasulullah ‘jangan marah’ diulangi sampai tiga kali. Ini menunjukkan hakikat kesihatan dan kekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasad, tetapi lebih kepada kebersihan jiwa.

Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan perasaan marah iaitu dengan mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka hendaklah kita duduk dan apabila sedang duduk, maka perlu berbaring.

Kemudian membaca Ta’awwudz kerana marah itu daripada syaitan, segera mengambil wuduk dan solat dua rakaat bagi mendapat ketenangan serta menghilang kan gundah di hati.


Sikap optimis memberikan kesan emosional yang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa selain perlu banyakkan sabar, istiqamah, bekerja keras serta tawakal kepada Allah s.w.t.


Bagi menjaga kestabilan hati dan kesihatan jiwa, semestinya kita perlu menjauhi daripada sifat iri hati. “Ya Allah, bersihkanlah hatiku dari sifat-sifat mazmumah dan hiasilah diriku dengan sifat-sifat mahmudah.”


Pemaaf adalah sifat yang sangat dituntut bagi mendapatkan ketenteraman hati dan jiwa. Memaafkan orang lain membebaskan diri kita daripada dibelenggu rasa kemarahan.

Sekiranya kita marah, maka marah itu melekat pada hati. Justeru, jadilah seorang yang pemaaf kerana yang pasti badan sihat.

"BAHAGIA sebenarnya bukan MENDAPAT tetapi dengan MEMBERI. Sebenarnya, banyak lagi cara hidup sihat rasulullah.. semoga hati kita semakin dekat dengan Nabi yang amat kita rindukan pertemuan dengannya.."-)"-)

Pemain bowling peringkat International!!

haa!!! senget muke korang aku kata pemain bowling peringkat international kan...

nih salah satu aktiviti aku minggu lepas. untuk 3 game cuma dapat 320 jer..hahahha pengkauuu ler.
nih masuk pun cukup syarat jer.
amik bahagian dalam hari sukan..selain bowling, aku masuk netbal (C & WA), dart, ping-pong..keputusan x tau lagi, sebab lepas jer game aku terus balik amik anak aku.

Rumusan Ombak Rindu

Akhirnya aku dah pergi tgk Ombak Rindu..hhahahaiss.! huh!!
menyesal pun ada sebenarnya. 
Ini filem melayu yang ke dua aku tgk wayang. Pertama Senario-Lang Buana.

yer lah org duk kata syOOOOKKKK.....bEESSSST..sampai nangis2..
bagi aku semua tuh x best langsung. mungkin best bagi org yang belum berkhawin..masih dalam hangat bercinta kot.hhahha.. bukan apa..malam tuh yg ramai tgk semua pasangan bercinta.

aku setuju semua pandangan Ain. Nih aku nak tambah sikit :P

  1.  Julia Zigler - Berlakon pakai baju putih, kelihatan lelemak yang teruk di perut, peha dan punggunggss..;p.
  2. Maya Karin - Agak kelihatan tua untuk berganding dengan aron.
  3. Lisa Surihani - comel :)
  4. Mak aron (x ingat nama) - cara percakapan menyampah sungguh, mcm nenek sihir pun ada.
  5. Masa Maya Karin pakai baju kurung warna pink di pondok, kelihatan ada speaker di belakang baju dia..(hmm..macam film x der kualiti pun ada gak. ;p)
  6. Aron - part romantik memang aku suka..hahahha..
Amani aku tinggalkan kejap dgn mak aku. itu pun dalam wayang asik sms mak tanye amani macam mana ok ker x.
suami aku mmg x minat ler cite melayu nih. 

''yang cite apa nih asik nangis-nangis jer...kelakar pun ada gak ni''.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Weekend

Minggu nih x kemana-mana, cuma bawa amani lepak di Pantai 1 Malaysia.
situ ramai yg beriadah.
kebanyakan main layang-layang.

Amani lah paling happy. sampai lengguh tengkuku asik tgk atas jer.

Weekend korang pasti seronokan..

share ler korang buat apa?.

9 Months

Hari nih genap Nur Sarah Amani 9 bulan :)
membesar dengan sihat dan sempurna, Alhamdulillah.

Pelbagai benda baru Amani pelajari. senang hati tgk Amani membesar depan mata.
mulut pun semakin hari bertambah becok.
Berat dgn tinggi x tau lagi, sebb minggu depan baru g check up.

Pertama kali buat Amani.

1. Merangkak 
2. Jatuh katil
3. dah introduce finger food yummmy!!
4. Bawa amani pergi jogging.
5. dah pandai tepuk tangan, salam, bagi sesuatu barang bila mintak,
6. dah pandai mengenali benda-benda sekeliling dgn dia.
7. takut dgn CAT!!..meeeooowwwwwWWWWW~~ terus nangis.

(check out sara at 1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months, 8 months)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Amani & Crochet Hat

Yang pertama kali nyer aku beli hat untuk Amani. sebb amani nih x gemar pakai hat!!..dia akan cepat jer tarik..kalau headband tuh dia dah biasa.

ini aku tempah online di Fiszah's Crochet.

fiszah's nih bekerja, tapi ada jer masa die nak buat menda nih.
kalau dah minat buat apa semua jadikan..

kat rumah aku perkakas semua ada tp dah lupe mcm mana nak buat.;p

Hcuri-curi online kejap nih.
haiss...dah tak nampak meja dah...semua putih jer ka meja nih. :)

semoga kalian dirahmati oleh Allah di hari yang mulia ini.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Amani Tension lah Mama!!

'addoiiiiii peningg!'
'masalah negara sungguhhh'
beberapa hari nih aku bz sangat.
nak update pun x termampu....nak 'bw' pun mana yang sempat jer.

have a nice day kengkawan yg dikasihi semua : )

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

50 Ways to Make your Husband Happy

  1. Start with a love letter. Remember how eagerly you waited in the early days of your courtship to receive a letter or just a note from each other? Do it again, but this time count all the reasons, which you think make him the best husband. Your man will not only be happy to be reminded of your love but glad to know that he makes you happy as well.
  2. Listen actively. When your husband expresses an opinion or a thought, pay attention. This shows you respect him and his views and nothing pleases a man more.
  3. Say thank you with a smile. When your husband does an odd job around the house, thank him like you really mean it. He will know that his help is not taken for granted and he will be happy to do more.
  4. Prepare his favorite meal. After he returns home from work on an ordinary day, surprise your husband with his favorite dinner.  He will not only be glad to have the food he likes best, but will appreciate the time and effort you put in preparing it.
  5. Let him have the TV remote. Granted, that you wish your husband spent more time with you, than watching the sports channel, but if there is an important game that you know your husband would love to watch, hand over the TV remote graciously.
  6. Hold his gaze. When you are speaking to your husband or listening to him, make sure that you keep eye contact. This will assure him of your attention and your respect, which is empowering to any man.
  7. Plan a vacation. Make arrangements for a romantic vacation, to a destination you know your husband would love to visit.
  8. Ask his family over. Your husband’s parents mean a lot to him. So ask them over for a Sunday lunch he will be touched by your loving gesture.
  9. Gift your husband a subscription to his favorite magazine. 
  10. On the way from work, visit the bakery and pick up a dessert your husband digs.
  11. Do something he hates. Choose a chore, like buying grocery or taking out the laundry, your husband really dislikes doing and then go on to do it cheerfully.
  12. Have his pals over. If a Super Bowl game or something equally popular is coming up, let your husband know he can watch it at home with his mates. Admittedly there will be beer cans and hot dog wrappers to clean up the next day, but your hubby will love your generosity.
  13. Appreciate his interests. If your husband is into carpentry, praise the bookstand he has made, even if it wobbles just a wee bit. Or if he loves collecting coins, buy him a book on numismatics. Your interest in his hobbies will give your husband a feeling of pride and make him happy.
  14. Book your husband on a golf vacation and do it happily.
  15. Give your husband a nice massage, after a particularly exhausting day at work.
  16. Make your husband a bowl, of popcorn, as he settles down to watch his favorite DVD.
  17. Get him tickets to his favorite ballgame and then surprise him by lustily cheering for his favorite team.
  18. Buy a really expensive gift for your husband, like a watch from Cartier or a Bvlgari perfume.
  19. Don’t nag, if he gets lost while taking out the family on a road trip.
  20. Send the kids to their grandparents’ or to a family member’s for a sleepover. Then snuggle up to your husband and ask what he would like to do, for the rest of the evening.
  21. Find out your husband’s favorite after-shave and buy it for him.
  22. Recreate your first date and your husband is sure to be happy falling in love with your all over again.
  23. Tell your husband to take a night out with his pals. Not only will he have a good time, but he will also be grateful for your thoughtfulness.
  24. Put on your sexiest lingerie and get ready for an intimate evening with your husband. He will be happy to know you still desire him as a lover.
  25. Book yourselves on a luxury cruise. Your husband will not only enjoy the sun and the sights, but will be happiest doing nothing the whole day.
  26. Gift him a customized CD by compiling around ten of your husband’s favorite songs.
  27. Take care of your appearance. Don’t let yourself go, just because you’ve been married for quite a while. Your husband will be glad to know you still find him worth the effort and time it takes to appear well-groomed.
  28. Greet your husband at the door dressed in your best gown and with two glasses of champagne. After he recovers from the initial shock, he will be glad that you came up with such a great idea to welcome him.
  29. Tell your husband he smells nice.
  30. Flirt with your husband in front of his friends. Hold his gaze, touch his legs under the table and steal quick kisses. Your hubby will love to relive the days of romance.
  31. When you are sitting together, quietly slip your hand into his. Your husband will love the easy expression of intimacy between you two.
  32. Buy him a set of golf clubs or whatever sport equipment he is interested in.
  33. Stop trying to change your husband into someone else, after all you married him for who he is.
  34. Meet him for lunch at his office and suggest a quick bite. He will love your spontaneity and the fact that you took out time from your own schedule.
  35. The next time you decide to eat out, let your husband choose the restaurant and the menu.
  36. Ask him to share his fantasy with you and see if you can try it out – or at least a part of it. Even if you both end up laughing, your husband will be pleased to know you care about what he wants.
  37. Do something fun together like a trip to an amusement park or going for a circus show.
  38. Pick up the kids from their soccer or music practice, when it is actually your husband’s turn to do so.
  39. Go out after dinner. Put the kids in bed and steal away with your husband for an ice-cream for a stroll in the park. Your husband will be pleased at spending some quiet time with you.
  40. Find one thing to compliment about your husband and do it sincerely.
  41. Let your husband be at home the next time you want to go Christmas shopping. He will be glad to have escaped the chore and you might have more fun doing it with someone, who enjoys shopping, like your mom or a friend.
  42. Remind your husband that he is the sexiest man you ever set eyes on.
  43. Leave a love note in your husband’s briefcase or in the car. Just a sentence telling him that he means so much to you.
  44. Pursue an interest together – like a dance class or a photography club. He will be happy to feel connected to you.
  45. Go for a hike in the mountains. You both will love the fresh air and the casual intimacy.
  46. Be the perfect hostess, if your husband invites his boss over for dinner.
  47. Learn a skill or a new language. Your husband will be happy and proud of your achievements.
  48. Get your husband something he always wanted, but never got around buying it.
  49. Go over his high school photos together and remark how handsome he was even all those years back.
  50. Find a quiet moment with your husband to whisper “ I love you” in his ears. If you have already said it, say it again. You can never say these three words too often and you can be sure, that every time it will make your husband glad, he married you.